
We aim to make the usability and accessibility of our website and its content as easy and open to all as possible. This is achieved by following recognised international standards of web design and accessibility guidelines. We aim to meet the minimum standards set by the World Wide Web Consortium (WC3) guidelines for accessibility under the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI). Further information on these guidelines can be found on the WC3 website.

We will continue to review, test and modify our website and any future releases of the site, for web accessibility issues and aim to ensure that this is an ongoing commitment.

Web accessibility standards

This site has been validated against HTML5.

We also try to ensure that:

  • All images in our sites contain appropriate alternate text
  • Pages and images on this website are optimised to load quickly and smoothly
  • All foreground and background colours are checked to ensure sufficient contrast, or given alternative text in the case of images
  • Our content is written clearly, concisely and in plain English
  • All pages use headings
  • All ‘calls to action’ highlighted with icons and/or different colour font or underlined
  • Symbols (e.g. >) are used in context and for their semantic use
  • Consistent navigation and page layouts are used
  • All forms are navigable using a keyboard
  • We have submit buttons on all forms
  • We use cascading style sheets to control layout and presentation

We use JavaScript (a scripting language widely used in website development) to deliver an enhanced user experience for things like rollover menus and conditional content visibility. Google has further information on how to enable JavaScript.

If you have a question about web accessibility or feedback about our website please contact us or email us at:

Useful resources

Below are links to some helpful external information and resources on using your browser's functionalities to ease navigation of our site.

Web accessibility initiative – how to change text sizes or colours
BBC – BBC My Web My Way
Microsoft – Accessibility support centre